CSAs are growing in popularity throughout the US and it is especially true in the northeast. The concept began in the early 1980s, but has picked up steam since then as savvy consumers look for ways to integrate healthier foods into their families meals, as well as be part of a growing solution to the food industry's massive production of food. It is that automated production of manufacturing food products - a product that is commonly genetically modified or corn fed - that removes us from creating a genuine and healthy relationship with food.
The concept is fairly straight forward: you pay up front in early spring for a 'share' of the farms produce that you will then pick up weekly throughout the spring, summer, and fall growing seasons. It allows you to truly understand where your food is coming from as you pass by the fields where workers are busy harvesting the freshest produce that week. And by fresh I mean fruits and vegetables that were picked just hours before you arrive. It also allows you to integrate organic, fresh, locally grown produce into your family's meals each week. Additionally, they often have organic meat, eggs, and milk available to purchase. CSAs allow you to establish a collaborative relationship with the farmer by creating a meaningful farm-to-table experience. By taking part in the shares, sustainable family farms not only survive but thrive in our communities keeping money local and our neighbors healthier. Think about the environmental impact with virtually no fossil fuels or printed crates and cartons used to transport the product across the country on a truck or plane for it to only sit in a warehouse awaiting its next journey to your grocery store. It also allows land and wildlife to be protected. And farmers make great neighbors. We all know that one person can make a difference; can you imagine what a community can do when they come together and buy local?
Middle Branch Farm is NHs largest organic farm and located in New Boston.