“COVID-19 means that she is now home. A lot. ”
Times have changed our world as we knew it. The coronavirus pandemic has forced most everyone into their homes in an attempt to flatten the curve to not only preserve life, but to provide a whisper of relief to all those health care doctors, nurses, respiratory specialists, transplant dietitians, EMTs, and firefighters who get up and go into work every day to ensure others have a chance to live theirs. They are the true hero’s alongside the grocery store workers and those delivering packages to our doorsteps. But I’m staying inside and taking that responsibility seriously, not because I am 16 and am now an indoor cat, but because I am an example setter. I may not have the ability to actually back the car out of the garage and drive to the store to secure that piece of sustainable fish I often dream of, but I can follow the data that she reads about daily and know that putting the car keys down makes most sense. COVID-19 means that she is now home. A lot. I will adapt to that new normal; you can too.
Spring 2020 v2